National Mortgage Complaint Center effort is focused on making certain up to 26% of all US homeowners, who are upside down in their home get proper legal representation, for a possible loan modification. This initiative is also focused on trying to get professional help for millions of US citizens facing a foreclosure, or who need professional legal assistance with a bankruptcy, or a mortgage work out. The National Mortgage Complaint Center says, "At this moment we have the atmospherics of the Wild West, for homeowners facing a foreclosure, or for homeowners attempting to get a loan modification. These individuals desperately need competent attorneys, in every state, and every top 200 US metro area to assist them.
The National Mortgage Complaint Center Says, "At this moment many, to most loan modifications are handled by non-attorneys, and the result is the homeowner gets ripped off, with no services rendered at all. We are trying to change this dynamic in every state, and every major US metro area, with a campaign dedicated to getting homeowners to licensed attorneys, who might actually be able to help them." The types of professional legal services desperately needed by millions of US homeowners include the following:
- Bankruptcy protection for homeowners in over their heads on a mortgage, or a home loan
- Legal representation for a homeowner attempting to get a loan modification from their lender
- Foreclosure Defense
- Possible mortgage restructuring that involves a forbearance agreement
- Credit counseling services by an actual attorney, or law firm
The National Mortgage Complaint Center has been featured in Money Magazine, Newsweek Magazine, Good Housekeeping Magazine, CBS Market Watch, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, Wealth, and on CNN, NPR, and numerous other major news outlets.